Hexagon Manufacturing Intelligence explores solutions that enable manufacturers to access, analyse and actively leverage data from all key stages of the manufacturing process.

About us

Hexagon’s Manufacturing Intelligence division empowers makers to create better products in new, innovative ways. 

Offering a unique combination of hardware and software, we empower makers with the freedom to ideate, explore, get it right first time, and scale production. From concept to end of life, our solutions allow you optimise across the entire value chain, transforming design, simulation, testing, material selection, manufacturing design, planning, production, inspection and real-world performance. 

The fusion of physical and digital worlds delivers complete line-of-sight to every possible scenario, enabling planning and predicting issues before they occur.

Bringing together ideas, technology and data as never before, provides new avenues for your ideas fuelling innovation and freeing you to solve the defining challenges of your sector.

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  • 2016


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